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Encino Hospital Medical Center Excels in Heart Failure Outcomes

Five-Star_Treatment_of_Heart_Failure_2021Encino, California (October 20, 2020)–Encino Hospital Medical Center is 5-star rated for Heart Failure outcomes according to new research released by Healthgrades, the leading resource that connects consumers, physicians, and health systems.

Encino Hospital Medical Center is a member of Prime Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest health systems with 46 hospitals in 14 states. This year, Prime hospitals received a combined 295 awards from Healthgrades including 5-Star designations, Specialty Excellence Awards, and America’s 100 Best By Specialty.

Every year, Healthgrades evaluates hospital performance at nearly 4,500 hospitals nationwide for 32 of the most common inpatient procedures and conditions using Medicare data, and additional analyzes outcomes in appendectomy and bariatric surgery using all-payer data provided by 16 states.

This analysis shows that patients treated at hospitals receiving a 5-star rating have a lower risk of dying and a lower risk of experiencing one or more complications during a hospital stay than if they were treated at hospitals receiving a 1-star rating in that procedure or condition. From 2017 through 2019, if all hospitals as a group performed similarly to hospitals receiving 5-stars as a group, on average, 218,785 lives could potentially have been saved and complications in 148,681 patients could potentially have been avoided.*

Additionally, from 2017 through 2019, patients treated for Heart Failure in hospitals with 5-stars for in-hospital mortality have, on average, a 60.5% lower risk of dying than if they were treated in hospitals with 1-star for in-house mortality. Similarly, patients treated for Heart Failure in hospitals with 1-star for in-hospital mortality are, on average, 2.5 times more likely to die than if they were treated in hospitals with 5-stars for in-hospital mortality.*

“Hospital quality has never been more important, and consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of researching where they receive care before they visit a hospital for a specific procedure or condition,” said Brad Bowman, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Healthgrades. “Hospitals that receive a Healthgrades 5-star rating for Heart Failure demonstrate exceptional outcomes and their ability to provide quality care for patients.”

“We are very pleased that our commitment to quality care in Cardiac Care, Orthopedics, and Critical Care has been recognized once again by Healthgrades”, said EM V. Garcia, Administrator and Chief Nursing Officer at Encino Hospital Medical Center. “Now more than ever, our patients and the community need a high-quality caring hospital amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The knowledge, dedication, and patient-centered care displayed by our physicians, nurses, technicians, and support staff led to receiving these awards and we are very pleased with these achievements.

Encino Hospital Medical Center was also recognized for the following clinical achievements:

  • Five-Star Recipient for Hip Fracture Treatment for 6 Years in a Row (2016-2021)
  • Five-Star Recipient for Treatment of Sepsis for 8 Years in a Row (2014-2021)

Other quality recognitions that were received by Encino Hospital Medical Center, a recipient of the Healthgrades 2020 Patient Safety Excellence Award and was named among the Top 5% in the Nation for Patient Safety for 2 Years in a Row from 2019 to 2020.

For its analysis, Healthgrades evaluated approximately 45 million Medicare inpatient records for nearly 4,500 short-term acute care hospitals nationwide to assess hospital performance in 32 common conditions and procedures and evaluated outcomes in appendectomy and bariatric surgery using all-payer data provided by 16 states. Healthgrades recognizes a hospital’s quality achievements for cohort-specific performance, specialty area performance, and overall clinical quality. Individual procedure or condition cohorts are designated as 5-star (statistically significantly better than expected), 3-star (not statistically different from expected), and 1-star (statistically significantly worse than expected). View the full list of Specialty Excellence AwardTM recipients here. The complete Healthgrades 2021 Report to the Nation and detailed study methodology, can be found at

About Encino Hospital Medical Center

Not-for-Profit Encino Hospital Medical Center, part of the Prime Healthcare Services Foundation, is a 150-bed state-of-the-art hospital located in Encino, California. Its multi-disciplinary staff consists of 330 physicians and 520 professional support staff.

Encino Hospital Medical Center serves a diverse population and incorporates elements of urban and suburban medicine in a smaller caring environment. It offers a wide array of inpatient and outpatient services. The hospital is consistently at the forefront in providing innovative and integrated healthcare. In 2007, the hospital was purchased by Prime Healthcare Services. This thirteen hospital system was recently named as one of the top 10 healthcare systems in the United States. For more information, visit:

About Prime Healthcare

Founded in 2001, Prime Healthcare has emerged as one of the nation’s leading hospital systems. Prime Healthcare was founded by Dr. Prem Reddy, a physician with a mission to save hospitals, improve community healthcare and provide the very best care to patients.

Our philosophy is that all healthcare is local. Each of our hospitals serves the unique needs of their communities while providing exceptional care with the strength and support of Prime Healthcare. Through a physician-directed and patient-centered model, passionate dedication to quality, evidence-based best practices, operational efficiency, technology, and capital investment, our hospitals are recognized among the best in the nation. Prime Healthcare was recognized by Truven Health Analytics as a Top 10 and 15 Health System in the nation three times.